Almost a week ago, on Feb 20, we discovered the news that the two red-headed hostage Bibas children were brutally murdered and finally returned home to Israel in a Nazi-like celebration of their deaths. After spending the last almost 2 years since October 7, 2023, keeping my mouth shut on global politics, I realized I could not any longer. I, Moran Amir, was born in Israel and moved to the United States when I was 4 years old. I have always tried to see the perspective of both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The heart break came last week not only from the terrible news that the family had been destroyed, the boys murdered with bare hands and then mutilated to make look as if they were killed in an air strike. But also, from seeing Palestinian children dancing and cheering to the terrorists putting on this spectacle. How can one have peace amidst this display of barbarism? How can we find solutions when there is such an onslaught of hate and false propaganda against Israel online?
Almost concurrently, I released my Star of David Necklace last week as well (without knowing the two events would collide). After October 7, I felt a stronger calling to my Jewish identity. Though not a religious person, I am extremely proud of being Jewish and wanted my jewelry to say that. We are donating a portion of proceeds to Lev Lalev, a charity focused on supporting orphaned children in Israel. Time to wear it loud and proud. Am Israel Chai!

Bibas family, we will never forget you. Your beautiful red hair and your mom's lioness embrace will forever be ingrained in our memories. You are loved, you are missed, you have galvanized the fire in us to fight for more. Rest in peace you beautiful souls.
With ahava,